Many opportunities to learn personally and professionally
It's ok not to know... at first. It's ok to be afraid. Becoming an anti-racist is a journey that involves a lot of self inquiry and exploration so that you can navigate the multiple truths of power and privilege. It requires humility and willingness to stretch past your comfort zone. Challenge the conditioning that we all learn from living in the United States. Becoming an anti-racist applies to all white people as well as BIPOC (black, indigenous, brown, and asian~ people of color) individuals and clinicians. BIPOC individuals can also not have an anti-racist perspective because they have internalized the racism of the larger society. Below is an image I use often in workshops to talk about the many identities we bring into spaces whether we are talking about it or not. There is a hierarchy in our society and those closer to the center have proximity to the resources and advantages of being at the top of the hierarchy.
Options for Trainings:
- Take the racial literacy quiz here
- Check out anti-racism resource page (centering therapists) and read articles, watch videos, etc.
- Check out general anti-racism resource page and read articles, watch videos, etc.
- Join the antiracism revolution membership. Learn more here.
- Read about Dr. Edmond's signature talks and listen to some podcasts she has been featured on.
- Looking to schedule a training for your team or organization read more here about options.
- Want to do your own learning with your team? Purchase bundle of anti-racism centered trainings from Antiracism Revolution. Email Dr. Edmond if you have questions.
- Want individual coaching/consultation? email Dr. Edmond to schedule.
- Check out free content on instagram facebook and youtube
- Stay connected
- Not sure where to begin with training, schedule a 15 minute consultation call with Dr. Edmond.
No one is born racist or antiracist; these result from the choices we make. Being antiracist results from a conscious decision to make frequent, consistent, equitable choices daily. These choices require ongoing self-awareness and self-reflection as we move through life. In the absence of making antiracist choices, we (un)consciously uphold aspects of white supremacy, white-dominant culture, and unequal institutions and society. Being racist or antiracist is not about who you are; it is about what you do. ~Smithsonian African American museum
Where are you on this antiracism Journey? What keeps you engaging? Who are you accountable to? What are you willing to risk in order to work towards collective liberation?
Join the Antiracism Revolution membership community where new live and recorded race talk workshops are available every month to support you on your journey and you can engage with a range of people who are aspiring and devoted antiracists. Also give you access to yoga and meditation recordings and many different ways to build the muscle of antiracism. White and BIPOC affinity spaces as well with standard membership!
Mindful and Multicultural Counseling has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing
Education Provider, ACEP No. 7364. Programs that do qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Mindful and Multicultural Counseling is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
Education Provider, ACEP No. 7364. Programs that do qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Mindful and Multicultural Counseling is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
Memberships can Include the following plus much more
Summary of membership options:
FAQs in this video about team membership
Intersectionality is highly valued in the community. All lives matter and all identities are welcomed. We center the most marginalized in our communities and our world while valuing intellectual safety and embodiment. This liberation space is founded in black and queer feminism and talks about Palestinian liberation. If one of us is not free none of us is free.
Where do you still need to learn, heal, awaken? Why not do it in community?
picture credit to anneliese Singh, Phd in Racial Healing handbook
register for upcoming workshops
What's coming up in Antiracism REvolution Membership Community?
Race talk series. Great way to connect and deepen racial literacy, fluency and agility. Topics vary by month.
Race talk series for 2024-2025 approved for CEs for NBCC, social work and psychologists.
This workshop series will explore the intergenerational legacy of racism and white body supremacy and how that lives in the body and shows up in relationships. The goal is to build racial literacy, fluency and agility as well as somatic resources for having conversations about race. We will identify different types of racial microaggressions, somatics of being a racial being, and wounds of oppression. We will explore racial identity development, our racial socialization, what is whiteness and how that shows up in people who identify as white as well as those who are racially minoritized as people of color. Participants will identify skills to be developed to have compassionate race centered conversations with a variety of individuals. This anti-racism model will take a mindfulness based approach to invite in curiosity and an embodied dialogue. It is an interactive workshop that uses multimedia format to encourage processing in different ways.
Learning Objectives:
Wednesday night series is 7 pm to 8:30 pm EST. Friday series is 2 pm to 3 pm EST.
CEs start in September for social work and NBCC.
NBCC CE is earned for .5 hour attended throughout the series from September to June 2025. ACEP number 7364.
Social work: This course, Race Talk: Exploring our racial conditioning, intersectionality and liberation, Approval #2024726, provided by Mindful and Multicultural Counseling is approved for continuing education by the New Jersey Social Work Continuing Education Approval Collaborative, which is administered by NASW-NJ. CE Approval
Collaborative Approval Period: Friday, July 26, 2024 through August 31, 2026. New Jersey social workers will
receive 6 CE credits for participating in this course towards clinical, cultural and social competence.
Psychologist CEs start in October. CEs approved through New Jersey Psychological Association which is approved by APA to offer continuing education to psychologists. 6 psychologist CEs approved for Wednesday series. Approval is from October 2024 to January 2025. 5 psychologist CEs approved for Friday series from October 2024 to February 2025.
Race talk series for 2024-2025 approved for CEs for NBCC, social work and psychologists.
This workshop series will explore the intergenerational legacy of racism and white body supremacy and how that lives in the body and shows up in relationships. The goal is to build racial literacy, fluency and agility as well as somatic resources for having conversations about race. We will identify different types of racial microaggressions, somatics of being a racial being, and wounds of oppression. We will explore racial identity development, our racial socialization, what is whiteness and how that shows up in people who identify as white as well as those who are racially minoritized as people of color. Participants will identify skills to be developed to have compassionate race centered conversations with a variety of individuals. This anti-racism model will take a mindfulness based approach to invite in curiosity and an embodied dialogue. It is an interactive workshop that uses multimedia format to encourage processing in different ways.
Learning Objectives:
- Participants will be able to describe different types of racial trauma, racial microaggressions and associated symptoms.
- Participants will be able to articulate how to take an intersectional approach that honors multiple identities that includes antiracism.
- Participants will be able to list different types of rage, grief and stress related to racial trauma.
- Participants will describe four strategies for healing racial trauma.
- Participants will be able to explain whiteness as a culture and a system that shows up in daily life.
- Participants will be able to assess different stages of racial identity development.
- Participants will identify 3 ways to address microaggressions.
- Participants will articulate somatic language and 3 somatic resources.
- Participants will identify three strategies for applying antiracism in professional life to create more inclusive spaces.
Wednesday night series is 7 pm to 8:30 pm EST. Friday series is 2 pm to 3 pm EST.
CEs start in September for social work and NBCC.
NBCC CE is earned for .5 hour attended throughout the series from September to June 2025. ACEP number 7364.
Social work: This course, Race Talk: Exploring our racial conditioning, intersectionality and liberation, Approval #2024726, provided by Mindful and Multicultural Counseling is approved for continuing education by the New Jersey Social Work Continuing Education Approval Collaborative, which is administered by NASW-NJ. CE Approval
Collaborative Approval Period: Friday, July 26, 2024 through August 31, 2026. New Jersey social workers will
receive 6 CE credits for participating in this course towards clinical, cultural and social competence.
Psychologist CEs start in October. CEs approved through New Jersey Psychological Association which is approved by APA to offer continuing education to psychologists. 6 psychologist CEs approved for Wednesday series. Approval is from October 2024 to January 2025. 5 psychologist CEs approved for Friday series from October 2024 to February 2025.
Check out new Podcast
Listen to the podcast:
Meditation for everyoneCheck out videos on youtube channel. Every day is a different practice. Supporting you in balancing being and doing modes in your life. Hope to see you in an upcoming workshop
Listen to Dr. Edmond explain our triune brain (reptilian, limbic and frontal cortex) and the way it responds to stress.